Specialty Logistics

Perishables, pharmaceuticals and other specialty items need to be handled just so.

The transit environment needs to be monitored. Travel time needs to be tracked. And condition at destination needs to be determined before the shipment arrives.

ThingTech has an industry-specific solution that lets you remotely manage specialty shipments. So you can respond in a proactive way. We make it possible to make changes in how they’re handled en route, or make an alternate plan.


Now you can:

  • Monitor shipments of specialty items remotely to make sure they’re handled right
  • Respond remotely if changes (i.e. temperature) to be adjusted
  • Predict circumstances at points along the way, so you can course correct

Simplify logistics management in regulated industries. ThingTech has the tools you need. So you can collect data, track performance and apply best-practice learnings across the supply chain that help you be efficient and stay compliant.

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